Thursday, March 14, 2013

Birthday Weekend in Paris

 Two posts in one week!  A new record!

After returning from the US on the morning of March 8th, we were up at 5:00am to head to London St. Pancras Station to catch the Eurostar to Paris the morning of March 9th.  My birthday is March 10th, and I wanted to spend it somewhere fun so planned a quick weekend trip to Paris.  I wasn't thinking about the potential jet lag when I booked the trip.  Colin and I were both up until about 2:30am which meant we had less than three hours of sleep when we headed to the train station.  This trip was probably not my greatest idea, but you only turn 33 once :)  I actually think being outside and busy helped with our jet lag.  We have been back on our normal schedule since early this week while it took much longer to get over the jet lag when we returned from Christmas in the US.

This was my third trip to Paris, and we did a lot of the same things I have done on previous trips, but the city never gets old.  There is something magical about it.  Although, traveling to Paris with a child is definitely a different experience.  Rather than dining at fancy French cafes and bistros, we ate at such places as the Hippopotamus Grill.  Good thing they still serve wonderful French wines there!  Colin's highlights were a boat cruise on the Seine and a ride on the carousel under the Eiffel Tower.  We returned to London the next evening.  It was a quick trip but a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures.

Can't complain about a birthday spent in Paris.
Colin and David outside the Louvre.  I have been in before and was overwhelmed.  We decided it best to skip it on this trip with a toddler although we did go to the Musee D'Orsay while Colin was napping.
Colin would not leave this statue in the Tuileries Garden alone. 
This view never gets old.  That being said, I am glad we live in London rather than Paris.  London isn't as beautiful as Paris but is a much more livable city.
Riding the Paris metro made me appreciate London's tube.  The tube is by no means handicap accessible making it a huge hassle with a stroller, but it was nothing in comparison to the metro which was next to impossible to navigate with a stroller and extremely crowded.
Arc d' Triomphe.  After we took this picture, we commented on how any other kids we have will find these pictures of Colin some day in front of all these monuments in European cities and feel really shafted that the most exciting pictures of them are in front of places like the Lambeau Field and at the Wisconsin Dells!
I don't know why we bother trying to take family pictures.  Colin aways refuses to cooperate.
Colin loved the boat cruise down the Seine.  He is obsessed with boats these days.
I love the Eiffel Tower at night.  
We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower on a cold and cloudy morning.  It was still worth it though.
Colin faking a smile and hoping we could leave the cold Eiffel Tower soon.
Carousel below the Eiffel Tower.  No surprise that Colin choose the "choo choo" to ride on.
Nutella crepes.  These really should be a staple of any diet.

Notre Dame.  Colin spent a lot of time catching up on sleep as we checked out the Paris sights.

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