We said goodbye to Denver on Monday, July 2nd and started off on the first leg of our journey to London. It was sad saying goodbye to our first house and the city where we started married life and had Colin. I managed to keep my tears to a minimum. Unfortunately, we had to leave behind all of our belongings as we STILL don't have movers scheduled. Of course, this makes me extremely nervous. I feel like we are constantly 10 steps behind on all the things we should have accomplished at this point of our move. David has the attitude that it isn't worth worrying about things that we can't control. Meanwhile, I am in a constant state of worry and panic! On a positive note, we did get our UK visas so were allowed to book plane tickets and have a place to stay for the first 14 nights we are in London. We are enjoying some time with family in Wisconsin now and are off to London on Thursday, July 5th.
Here is a picture of David and Colin with all of our luggage. We somehow managed to get four suitcases, three carry-on bags, a pack n play, car seat, stroller, and toddler from the rental car to the ticket counter. A miracle!
More from London!
Can't wait to hear how your first few days have gone. Hope you are over your jet lag and are ready to explore! Good luck to David on his first day of London work!